Katalog českých a slovenských Arma misí, addonů a modů

Tento katalog slouží jako seznam dostupných českých (a slovenských) komunitních výtvorů.

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Letters to Kate

Letters to Kate

Kate recieved three letters from her husband Gavin, a NATO soldier on a mission in Altis, Greece. As she reads them, she discovers what happened to her beloved one…

Specter Armaments

Specter Armaments

Compilation of addons. Including: Vests based on Paraclete RAV (black and green version) and Allied industries MBSS (black, green, tan and special one), combination of PACA(tan) and MBSS. Russian Altyn helmet (closed and open visor). EOD bombsuit with helmet.

And finally EOD robot Talon (still not finished, but it's quite operational now at least)

I haven't made any ammobox with gear yet, so it can be found only in Virtual Arsenal or something similiar(VAS..).

Classnames: RAV – Specter_RAV , Specter_RAV_BLK

MBSS – Specter_MBSS, Specter_MBSS_BLK, Specter_MBSS_TAN, Specter_MBSS_WTF

MBSS (light) – Specter_MBSS_light, Specter_MBSS_lig­ht_BLK. Specter_MBSS_lig­ht_TAN, Specter_MBSS_lig­ht_WTF


MBSS+PACA (light) – Specter_MBSS_PA­CA_l, Specter_MBSS_PA­CA_l_BLK, Specter_MBSS_PA­CA_l_TAN, Specter_MBSS_PA­CA_l_WTF

Titan Altyn Helmet (closed) – H_Titan_Helmet , opened – H_Titan_Helmet_O

BombSuit – U_bombsuit , helmet – H_Bombsuit_Helmet

Talon Backpack – B_Talon01_bac­kpack_F

Talon EOD bot – B_UGV_talon_arm_F (found under NATO/autonomous)


Sarge Studio

Deliverance is a story-based Single player campaign, in which we try to demonstrate on the example of the republic of Altis, a small country how far racial discrimination and hate can escalate to. The player will have the chance to get to know the problems and motivation of both sides of the conflict and realize, that nothing is only black or white, that no side is absolutely right and mostly that violence doesn't solve these problems.

CH-49 Rescue pack

CH-49 Rescue pack

Five rescue helicopters – Algeria, Canada and Denmark

Operation Meat Grinder

Operation Meat Grinder

Scénář, který je vytvořen především pro CZ komunitu.. v pozdější době tento scénář bude přetvořen i do angličtiny.. Skupina partyzánu má za úkol zničit cisterny s palivem, aby zabránili jednotkám AAF přesunu a přeskupení blíže k pozicím NATO u města Paros. Tyto pozice jsou také ostřelovány minomety. Skupina má za úkol eliminovat posádku minometů a zase rychle zmizet. This scenario is made especially for czech community and it is also made in czech language.. I have decided that i will make the scenario in other languages for other players in Arma 3 community… Made by Wolfrunner_CZ

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