Katalog českých a slovenských Arma misí, addonů a modů

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Anti Air Arcade (AAA)

ffredyk [CZ]

Those nasty greedy fouls think, they can invade OUR island?! Teach them a lesson, or multiple lessons.. Defend our beauty island from those pigs!

You are a gunner of a AA system, your objective is to murder and destroy every enemy from every single wave which will invade your island. Will you succeed in this heroic task, or will you be defeated?

Survivor - Endless

ffredyk [CZ]

Survive against bullies which just won't stop hunting you!

This is an sequel to the Survivor mission http://steamcommunity.com/…filedetails/?…


  • Know-how (3D icons above enemies)
  • Explosive Kills (Every dead enemy will explode) NOT YET AVAILABLE
  • Rambo style (You get a machine gun)
  • Grenade hunt (You have grenades – enemies are running)
  • Enemy know-how (Enemies will know where you are even when they don't see you)
  • Gang party (Enemies get a rifle guns)
  • Mafia conflict (Everyone gets a rifle gun)
  • Drugs (Your view is dizzy) NOT YET AVAILABLE


  • Normal (Normal gameplay → 1 Player vs 9 enemies)
  • Night (Same as normal, but played during nighttime)
  • Boss (1 Player vs multiple enemies which can be killed by a headshot only)
  • Survival (1 Player vs horde of one-shot-one-kill enemies)

Between each mode (wave) is a 30s timeout for the player to organize himself. Each new round gives player 2 more magazines to his pistol and will heal him fully in order to survive another round. After third round has been completed, there is also 20s dramatizer during which is the mutator randomly chosen. After long round (3+ minutes long gameplay) the timout time is doubled to 60s.

Mutators are activated before each round starts and are enabled after 3 beaten rounds.

If player dies, he loses one of his 3 lifes. Rounds progression is saved (persistent across mission restarts and game shutdowns) and reset after lose of all lifes.

This is initial beta version. Changes will be made both to gameplay side and content side. Be sure to leave a comment to help make this mission even better

Leading Sector [SC 25]

Leading Sector [SC 25]

Capture and hold all assigned sectors in TvsT or COOP battle.

  • no addons required
  • various adjustable parameters
  • adjustable daytime
  • adjustable weather conditions
  • radio chatter between AI in group can be disabled
  • selection of battle sector (8 locations)
  • chopper support can be enabled/disabled
  • additional cars can be enabled/disabled
  • mortar support can be enabled/disabled
  • re-configuration of AI groups
  • adjustable combinations for advancing of all AI units
  • mission can be played as SP mission (via local MP)
  • respawn on main vehicle and on captured sectors
  • respawn of all availble vehicles
  • random counterattacks on captured sectors
  • 10 BLUFOR vs. 10 OPFOR playable slots
  • optional playable slots for human diversants (except „normal“ playable slots for OPFOR/BLUFOR)
  • random civilan boats over the whole island (mainly in ports)
  • additional stuff (items/weapon­s/magazines) in cargo space of main vehicle
  • players can change their clothing for diving
  • main vehicle has action to unload ammo and weapon crates (only from main respawn vehicle)
  • main vehicle has action to fix broken wheels and minor damage



The new Arma 3 campaign Codename Leonardo is divided into three successive chapters – LEONARDO, REVENGE and STRENGTH. Each will come separately free on Steam Workshop. It is focused on the all hardcore players and also include czech voices or english texts. Missions are set in interesting areas that are completely remastered and lives their own lives. On the player await cutscenes, plot turns and diverse gameplay, in which are used the various military means. It all underlined great audiovisual processing.


  • Spellbinding story and storyline turnovers
  • Player as commander of OPFOR team
  • Four main characters
  • Movie cutscenes
  • Night and stealth
  • No addons needed
  • Rebuilt new interesting location on Altis
  • Living area (civilians, animals, weather)
  • Drone and Quad are used
  • Support of two languages: Czech/English
  • Original new czech voices
  • Original new soundtrack by Jan Chudy
  • Auto-Saving System
  • Updates

Please report bugs, feedback and suggestions. This is very useful for updates and next development

CZE: Nová kampa?, Codename Leonardo, pro počítačovou hru českých tvůrců Arma 3 je rozdělená do tří navazujících kapitol – LEONARDO, REVENGE a STRENGTH. Každá bude k dispozici zdarma na Steam Workshop. Zaměřuje se především na české hráče, kteří ocení český dabing při dialozích nebo titulky. Mise jsou zasazeny do zajímavých oblastí, které jsou kompletně předělané a žijí vlastním životem. Na hráče čekají filmové scény, dějové obraty a různorodá hratelnost, při které se chopí různých vojenských prostředků. To vše podtrhnuté skvělým audiovizuálním zpracováním.

Co očekávat:

  • Strhující příběh a dějové obraty
  • Hráč jako velitel týmu OPFOR
  • Filmové scény
  • Noční operace a plížení
  • Addony nejsou potřeba
  • Nová přestavěná lokace
  • Žijící okolí (civilisté, zvířata, počasí)
  • Využití drona a čtyřkolky a jiné techniky
  • Podpora dvou jazyků
  • Český dabing
  • Nový soundtrack od Jana Chudého
  • Automatické ukládání
  • Aktualizace

Prosím informujte o chybách, zkušenostech a návrzích.

Trailer: http://youtu.be/P_49VnSxk28 Soundtrack: http://goo.gl/hv9YWc Website: http://goo.gl/5Nn2sM Make Arma Not War: http://goo.gl/NyCZPh Twitter: @D3VL3R Google Plus: +Lukáš Vaculík

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