Katalog českých a slovenských Arma výtvorů
Titus for Arma 3 contains three versions: unarmed, armed and police version
- accessories in virtual garage: working slat cage, camo net, windows grilles
- ten color variants
- simulation of Tatra suspension (“backbone“ tube and independently swinging half-axles)
- mirros and cameras
- working GPS on more than 40 maps
- animated doors, hatches
- UAV terminal available for commander
- working lightbar and sirens on police version
- emblems of several counterterrorist units for vehicle with police parts (use this command: vehicle setObjectTextureGlobal [9, „qin_titus\data\emblems\swat.paa“]; another units: geo.paa, gign.paa, gsg9.paa, nocs.paa, urna.paa)
EDEN editor: BLUFOR → NATO → Cars → Titus, Titus (ARX20) BLUFOR → Pacific NATO → Cars → Titus, Titus (ARX20) BLUFOR → Gendarmerie → Cars → Titus (Police)
Czech Air Force JAS 39 Gripen
This addon contains seven versions of Jas 39 Gripen (retextured A-149 Gryphon from DLC Jets) of Czech Air Force 211th Tactical Squadron.
Eden editor usage: BLUFOR → Czech Air Force
List of planes: Classic grey Gripen Gripen Tiger 9235 Gripen Tiger 9236 Gripen Tiger 9237 Gripen Tiger 9238 Gripen Tiger 9240 Gripen Tiger 9245
Kulima island
Kulima island by Acutres. I'm uploading this addons on Steam Workshop with permission of Acutres.
Island Kulima is fictitious. Area is ~ 37Km2 (10×10km map). Belongs to Manani archipelago. The other two islands are: Baldarife a Zlarote. In the distant past, the central island twisted several meteorites, which resulted in their separation and the creation of islands. Influence meteor shower is visible even now, not only resulting lake Kulima, under which the island was named, but also crater, that hides a labyrinth of caves. A large part of the island is covered with forest. The country is fertile and suitable for agriculture, but people are more used for subsistence fishing. On the island there are two villages Resma and Mina. There are several settlements, the largest one Biglibi and Zaplna. Dominating the northern part of the island is the ruins of the castle Barbusa, whose origins date back to 2 13th century. Airport, which is south of the island has an armed faction that has the island, the indignation of indigenous peoples, other plans.
Specter Armaments
Compilation of addons. Including: Vests based on Paraclete RAV (black and green version) and Allied industries MBSS (black, green, tan and special one), combination of PACA(tan) and MBSS. Russian Altyn helmet (closed and open visor). EOD bombsuit with helmet.
And finally EOD robot Talon (still not finished, but it's quite operational now at least)
I haven't made any ammobox with gear yet, so it can be found only in Virtual Arsenal or something similiar(VAS..).
Classnames: RAV – Specter_RAV , Specter_RAV_BLK
MBSS – Specter_MBSS, Specter_MBSS_BLK, Specter_MBSS_TAN, Specter_MBSS_WTF
MBSS (light) – Specter_MBSS_light, Specter_MBSS_light_BLK. Specter_MBSS_light_TAN, Specter_MBSS_light_WTF
MBSS+PACA (light) – Specter_MBSS_PACA_l, Specter_MBSS_PACA_l_BLK, Specter_MBSS_PACA_l_TAN, Specter_MBSS_PACA_l_WTF
Titan Altyn Helmet (closed) – H_Titan_Helmet , opened – H_Titan_Helmet_O
BombSuit – U_bombsuit , helmet – H_Bombsuit_Helmet
Talon Backpack – B_Talon01_backpack_F
Talon EOD bot – B_UGV_talon_arm_F (found under NATO/autonomous)
CH-49 Rescue pack
Five rescue helicopters – Algeria, Canada and Denmark
A-stan marines Replacement
Replaces the default SF with the A-stan marines, who represent marines in afganistan, operating combat outposts in Kunar region.
ČSLA v2.20
Seznam novinek:
- RM-70 (CSLA)
- BPzV-1 Svatava (CSLA)
- MU-90 (CSLA)
- F-5E Tiger II fighter (AFMC)
- F-5E Tiger II CAS (AFMC)
Nové SP mise:
- Showcase CSLA (locked by default)*
- Showcase AFMC (locked by default)*
- Showcase FIA (locked by default)*
- Support (demo from campaign '89)
- Flying circus (demo from campaign '89)
- Rumburak (demo from campaign '89)
- Gambit (demo from campaign '89)
- Long hand (demo from campaign '89)
*you need to finish other SP missions first to unlock this content
Nové zbraně:
- Winchester 1300 (AFMC)
- Minimi (AFMC)
- FN FAL with Trilux/ANPVS-4 (AFMC)
- SVD with NSPU (CSLA)
- Sa-58 with NSPU (CSLA)
Další (anglicky):
- all units of the AFMC faction are completely – new together with gear and items
- new backpacks for AFMC
- new helmets on CSLA riflemen/motoriflemen
- improvement of textures on CSLA units
- new unarmed units of CSLA faction (prisoners)
- new animations for holding of Uk-59, Minimi, W1300 and many other weapons
HMMWVs (v 1.1)
Vytvořil jsem pár modifikací tohoto vozítka pro všechny kdo mají rádi ArmA. Tak teď tento addon obsahuje šest (6 – pro ty co to nepřečtou) nových variant HMMWVs ve dvou kamuflážích (lesní & pouštní). Nyní pracuji na opravě, protože některá vozidla mají chyby se skly.
Balík zahrnuje:
- Otevřený HMMWV
- Otevřený HMMWV (7 cargo)
- Otevřený HMMWV MG
- Otevřený HMMWV (ammo)
- HMMWV Ambulance
- Otevřený HMMWV (desert camo)
- Otevřený MMWV (7 cargo) (desert camo)
- Otevřený HMMWV MG (desert camo)
- Otevřený HMMWV (ammo) (desert camo)
- HMMWV Ambulance (desert camo)
- HMMWV SAM (desert camo)
V editoru je najdete pod třídou: BLUFOR → BLND Car → … BLUFOR → BLND Car (Desert) → …
Zvláštní poděkování: Petrtlach – Naučil mě několik věcí s modelováním v Cinemě 4D. Armored_Sheep – Pomohl mi vyřešit chybu CfgNonAIVehicles SAM raket, které pořád nemizely. RobertHammer – Vytvořil mi v model.cfg osy věží kulometu a SAM systému. McNools – Použil jsem jeho textury pouštní kamufláže.
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX
Tento addon obsahuje šest barevných verzí. Addon obsahuje několik chyb, o kterých sám vím, ale rád přivítám jakékoli hlášení chyb. Maximální rychlost vozidla je 200 km/h a za to mohu poděkovat Dead3yez, protože jsem použil jeho skript „Car handling improvements“. Nepoužil jsem všechny jeho skripty, které jsou v balíku zahrnuty. Do svého addonu jsem vložil jen skript s akcelerací, díky kterému dosáhne auto rychlosti 200 km/h.
- Maximální rychlost je 200 km/h
- Otevírání dveří, kapoty a kufru
V editoru ho naleznete pod: Civilisté → QIN Cars → …
Ostrov Kulima aktualizován na verzi 2.2
- přidány další budovy s interiéry
- upraveno intro
- úprava terénu
- lehce upraven sat_lco a mask_lco
- upraven config.cpp
- vložen bikey
Velikost: 53MB