Katalog českých a slovenských Arma výtvorů
Steam Workshop
Terra Sedoc
Look at first paper with code. Reveal next place and continue step by step, message by message. Hurry up! Time is running.
Singleplayer or coop multiplayer up to eight people.
COOP-04: Paramilitarized Island
A special commando squad consisting 4 elite soldiers is sent to liberate a small island from paramilitary occupation.
Mission Players have 4 main tasks to complete. Destruction, intel gathering, bunker cleaning and HVT rescue – with a chance of additional tasks being received as you progress through the mission.
Access to full arsenal, several helicopters, boats and APC – use anything to complete the mission.
Wulfenstein - Season One
Jste připraveni na další dobrodružství?
Wulfenstein je zpět. A ne, nejde o druhý level, ale o kompletně odlišný a rozsáhlejší zážitek. Úkol je prostý: spěchej ke STROJi a vypni ho.
Jde o sérii CQB seancí kombinovanou s managementem inventáře. Mise využívá experimentální armor systém, kdy každý zásah přechází nejdříve do výbavy, kterou hráč postupně ztrácí a to v předdefinovaném pořadí.
Vaším úkolem je být rychlý, přesně střílet a rychle „rabovat“. Hodně štěstí!
The Forest
Two adventurers are heading into deep Livonian forest to search for mysterious graves of defeated SS company. Rumors seem to be more than real.
[CO-03] Armagedon | Horror
Atmospheric CO-OP horror mission with revive and autosaving for 3 people. Difficulty : 3 Players – Easy 2 Players – Normal 1 Payer – Hard
Playtime : 20–40 minutes
You are police officers in late 70's in a fictional eastern European country. In recent times, you got a lot of cases with people gone missing. There are strange rumors around here, that some unidentified group is kidnapping the people for their religious purposes, but that can't be true. This place is very calm, with really low crime rate. Now get to the work Officers!
Cope's revenge 3
„It looks like it never ends. I was trying to find peacefull place but no. They tried to kill me. Again. Time to another revenge. Maybe I am old man and my instinct wont last long. So, I must be fast.“
„We just finished the exploration of P2X-25462. Near the gate, we found some Ancient statue and also signs of goauld research presence. We managed to connect our computer to the goauld crystals and now we just have to download all the data. But nothing is as easy as it looks…“
Spectrum Control
Try to play Arma PvP combat as never before. Four teams are fighting against each other in one arena! Much more faster, crazy and fun than author of this project thought. This mode is using mechanics from previous competitive version of Spectrum. Do you need to improve your aim? Do you wanna warm-up before some tournament? Or you just wanna have fun with your friends! This is exactly what you are looking for ! Can you handle this madness ?
Basic rules
- This mode always pits four teams which are trying to synchronize portals in arena.
- Infinite respawns (10 seconds delay)
- Match ends when one of the teams reach 100th point.
- Can be adjusted in server params
- You can buy new weapon only in respawn area by presing ‚B‘ for your available points ($)
- If you enter opponents respawn area, you will be execute.
- Friendly fire is ON.
- When you drop your VR uniform you will be execute!
- If you are injured a lot, holdaction for healing will appear. (No first AidKit needed)
Economy You can get points for:
- killing players from other team (+2 or +3 by pistol)
- synchronizing with portals (+2 points)
- after each respawn (+1 point)
Team score Every 20 seconds your team will earn the same number of points as number of owns portals. (5 portals in map) Hint: Synchronize your team in portal (Use hold action inside portal). Synchronization process itself takes five seconds.
Spectrum mechanics
- Portals – synchronization with portal will earn your team 1 point every 20 seconds. How many portal you own at the end of the 20 seconds cycle, so many points you will earn.
- Your uniform will colorize closest VR block to the same color as yours. So you can see and predict enemy movement.
- Decoy (IR Grenade) – You can throw decoy which will colorize closest block for few sseconds to your color.(fake your movement).
- Weapon loadout – You can buy one of five available(if you have enough $ points) weapons in respawn area
Titus for Arma 3 contains three versions: unarmed, armed and police version
- accessories in virtual garage: working slat cage, camo net, windows grilles
- ten color variants
- simulation of Tatra suspension (“backbone“ tube and independently swinging half-axles)
- mirros and cameras
- working GPS on more than 40 maps
- animated doors, hatches
- UAV terminal available for commander
- working lightbar and sirens on police version
- emblems of several counterterrorist units for vehicle with police parts (use this command: vehicle setObjectTextureGlobal [9, „qin_titus\data\emblems\swat.paa“]; another units: geo.paa, gign.paa, gsg9.paa, nocs.paa, urna.paa)
EDEN editor: BLUFOR → NATO → Cars → Titus, Titus (ARX20) BLUFOR → Pacific NATO → Cars → Titus, Titus (ARX20) BLUFOR → Gendarmerie → Cars → Titus (Police)
[RTS] Curway: Aegis - Operation Saboteur
This is a modification mission for zeus, that changes it into RTS-style top-down view game.
In this mission, you are tasked to perform sabotage with Aegis unit inside the enemy territory. This mission is experimental, bugs may and will occur and not everything was taken into account, so please report any weird behaviour.