Katalog českých a slovenských Arma výtvorů
Specter Armaments
Compilation of addons. Including: Vests based on Paraclete RAV (black and green version) and Allied industries MBSS (black, green, tan and special one), combination of PACA(tan) and MBSS. Russian Altyn helmet (closed and open visor). EOD bombsuit with helmet.
And finally EOD robot Talon (still not finished, but it's quite operational now at least)
I haven't made any ammobox with gear yet, so it can be found only in Virtual Arsenal or something similiar(VAS..).
Classnames: RAV – Specter_RAV , Specter_RAV_BLK
MBSS – Specter_MBSS, Specter_MBSS_BLK, Specter_MBSS_TAN, Specter_MBSS_WTF
MBSS (light) – Specter_MBSS_light, Specter_MBSS_light_BLK. Specter_MBSS_light_TAN, Specter_MBSS_light_WTF
MBSS+PACA (light) – Specter_MBSS_PACA_l, Specter_MBSS_PACA_l_BLK, Specter_MBSS_PACA_l_TAN, Specter_MBSS_PACA_l_WTF
Titan Altyn Helmet (closed) – H_Titan_Helmet , opened – H_Titan_Helmet_O
BombSuit – U_bombsuit , helmet – H_Bombsuit_Helmet
Talon Backpack – B_Talon01_backpack_F
Talon EOD bot – B_UGV_talon_arm_F (found under NATO/autonomous)