EPJ Bulvár

EPJ Bulvár


Kerikus 27.11.2010 00:36:44
Armored_Sheep 25.11.2010 15:53:20
Celoush 24.11.2010 19:59:23
[76047] Fixed: No more LOD blending issues (esp. with vegetation).

[75744] Fixed: Ignored collision with some vehicles.
Celoush 24.11.2010 11:47:30
Operation Black Gauntlet v DLC Private Military Company by měla zabrat kolem 6 - 8 hodin.
Celoush 17.11.2010 16:07:49
Celoush 15.11.2010 20:06:23
[75582] Improved: AI cover selection improved a bit.
Celoush 14.11.2010 11:43:07
Celoush 9.11.2010 21:35:47
[75256] New: Video options VSync selection.

[75230] Fixed: Character collisions with stones often resulted in flying or being stuck. (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/12043)

[74952] Fixed: Subordinates would ignore their leaders' GetIn/GetOut commands in some MP situations.
Celoush 9.11.2010 17:11:44
Armored_Sheep 8.11.2010 13:38:24
Vyšel update manuálu. Obsahuje popis veškeré herní mechaniky včetně posledních updates.
Celoush 5.11.2010 16:05:33
Další rozhovor, tentokrát s členy brněnské pobočky BI, která má na svědomí BAF.
Celoush 4.11.2010 16:02:13
Celoush 1.11.2010 16:07:21
[74856] Fixed: Tanks were jumping a lot when driving over stones far from a camera (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/1707).

[74849] Optimized: Improved performance when wheeled or tracked vehicles are moving (related to ground trace maintenance).

[74832] Fixed: Possible player desync after DeleteVehicle command when player is a gunner.

[74765] Fixed: Audibility of the VoN direct channel and conversations are now based on the player camera position, instead of the unit position.

[74690] Improved: Tree LOD blending is now smoother in many situations.
Celoush 27.10.2010 12:29:24
[74293] New: Free camera can be locked to plain objects like trees.

[74280] New: New MP UI for Create Game (both host and remote).

[74119] Fixed: Fps degradation when vehicles collided with rocks (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/2490)
Celoush 22.10.2010 16:06:18