EPJ Bulvár

EPJ Bulvár


Armored_Sheep 31.3.2011 15:11:26
Bobo 25.3.2011 20:06:41
Na blogu Bohemia Int. se včera objevil odkaz na stránku google maps před veží v Seatlu (klikejte na "n" ve slově sense).
Dnes přibyl obrázek ve kterém na foru komunita rozluštila odkazy na tři roztřižené obrázky http://www.bistudio.com/images/stories/blogs/developer/taking_on/jpg1.png

Složený obrázek ukazuje panoramu Seattlu
viz reálná fotka http://justinsomnia.org/images/seattle-skyline.jpg .

Že by BIS chystala datadisk/hru odehrávající se v Seattlu??
Celoush 23.3.2011 21:30:15
I2 - mission is no longer failing before the takeoff

C1,I1 - SD pistol mags were missing

C5 - high command icons were not loaded

C6 - task waypoint for transporting important POW is fixed

C3 - smuggler not shooting

I1 - Shilka was too strong

I1 - Razor is hunting down one enemy on the whole of Chernarus

Minor fixes in (CZ/RU) dubbing protocol
Celoush 22.3.2011 16:18:01
[79107] Fixed: Su-34 crashed after take off when player was a gunner (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/18371)
Mozek 13.3.2011 10:55:16
Dnes byla uveřejněna poslední část Dslyecxiho průvodce hrou ArmA II. Takže kdo vyčkával dokud průvodce nebude kompletně přeložen, může se vrhnout do čtení.
Celoush 11.3.2011 14:27:17
[78909] Optimized: Improved FPS in some scenes when looking through scope into forest.
Celoush 10.3.2011 14:05:10
[78690] Fixed: Crash after UI navigation Options > Audio Options > Auto adjust > Cancel

[78552] Improved: Quick commanding menu now allows to order multiple units to engage or fire at the same time.

[78515] Fixed: regularCheck no longer done for players not fully ingame to prevent timeouts during the mission loading.
Celoush 5.3.2011 19:25:35
další info o této kampani s modifikací, ostrovem a addony naleznete na http://www.nightstalkers.cz/uvod.php
Celoush 4.3.2011 14:54:35
Cena bude 30 euro (cca 730,-Kč)
Celoush 21.2.2011 17:55:36
[78376] Changed: Manual vectoring control in autohover mode with analogue throttle using Flaps actions.

[78374] Fixed: Helicopter did not take off when engine was off and enemies nearby.

[78372] Improved: Faster Signature checks on server side.

[78205] Improved: Only first AI unit in each formation reports its position on Report Status.

[78194] Changed: First click on a target from quick commanding menu now issues Target instead of Attack, second click issues Engage.

[78192] Improved: VerifySignatures entry in server.cfg can contain the required version of signatures.
Celoush 12.2.2011 18:46:26
[78174] Improved: Stronger signature checking.

[78153] New: Ctrl+F1..Ctrl+F5 assigns unit to team red/green/blue/yellow/white.

[78150] Changed: Shift-F1..Shift-F5 select corresponding color team (red/green/blue/yellow/white)

[78137] Fixed: Mv22 did not take off when spawned on the ground (http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1852614&postcount=103)

[78113] Fixed: AI no longer sees through fog better than player. (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/12178) Fixed: weather changes done in the vehicle init line considered when checking AI visibility on the mission start. Improved: Init scripts time limit increased from 3 ms to 100 ms. Optimized: setViewDistance is no longer slow when used to reduce view distance.

[78059] Changed: Yellow server no longer listed at the bottom of the server list.

[78048] Fixed: Signatures GameSpy key truncated to at most 200 Bytes. Too long list has caused other GS keys were not available due to overflow.

[78017] Improved: Convoys now passing crossroads a bit faster.

[78002] Improved: Road obstacle avoidance improved.

[77941] Improved: Alt-F4 no longer exits the game when while playing.

[77855] Fixed: AI unable to traverse some roads when in combat.
Celoush 1.2.2011 09:23:22
[77808] Fixed: Loading of some world was very slow unless -exThreads=0 was used.
Celoush 29.1.2011 13:50:44
[77771] Fixed: Bug in TCMalloc which might be causing Out of memory (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/16099)
Celoush 28.1.2011 12:57:53
Protože se nám množil spam, tak jsem se rozhodl updatovat forum a to to bohužel nerozchodilo. Dočasně je tedy mimo provoz. Během víkendu se mi ho snad podaří zprovoznit.
Celoush 27.1.2011 15:38:12
[77737] Fixed: fixed problem from previous beta patch with TI mapped on "N" key
Celoush 26.1.2011 19:45:47
[77704] Improved: Stronger signatures checking.

[77678] Fixed: AI subordinates moving in convoy now leaving roads less frequently.

[77644] Changed: Bounding overwatch movement now respects formation order.

[77582] Fixed: Formations broken when in danger (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/16862)

[77562] Fixed: Game is no longer checking files on W: drive during startup.

[77538] Improved: AI using cover at house corners more often.

[77399] Fixed: Prevent server crash on many malformed incomming network messages.

[77289] Improved: Vegetation rendering using AToC (require antialiasing enabled)

[77282] New: Player can command AI to move into a specific cover.

[77277] Improved: AI helicopter no longer attempting to land into a wind under 1.5 m/s.

[77259] Fixed: Non-existing files attempted to be open for procedural textures (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/13864)

[77169] Improved: AI now always moves without covering when given move command by a player (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/16504). Improved: AI now always moves without covering when boarding a vehicle.