EPJ Bulvár

EPJ Bulvár


Celoush 17.8.2010 09:39:32
resistance-rat vydal u Ruprta novou misi, svou první leteckou "Kořist a Predátor"
Celoush 13.8.2010 16:34:04
Celoush 13.8.2010 16:24:58
[72701] New: getWeaponCargo, getMagazineCargo, getBackpackCargo script commands
[72698] Experimental: TCMalloc used as a memory allocator.
Celoush 13.8.2010 11:56:54
ke stažení: http://www.arma2.xf.cz/ArmA_Help_SK-CZ.zip

doplnené nové príkazy pre ArmA2:OA
- pridaný zoznam batohov v ArmA2:OA
- pridaný zoznam hudby v ArmA2:OA
- pridaný zoznam vlajok v ArmA2:OA
- pridaný "Zoznam jednotiek v ArmA2:OA"
- pridaný "Zoznam zbraní a munície v ArmA2:OA"
- pridaný popis modulu "Environment: Colors"
- pridaný popis modulu "Environment: Effects"
- pridaný popis modulu "Jukebox"
- pridaný popis modulu "Military Symbols - MARTA"
- zmenené úvodné logo ArmA Help-u
- niekoľko drobných úprav
Celoush 11.8.2010 09:21:14
[72558] New: Aircraft now auto-trims at high speed to prevent climbing.
[72558] Fixed: Transport waited for dead unit to get out.
[72558] Fixed: crew getting killed in vehicles driving from hill/slope
[72558] Fixed: Audio unsupported sample frequency error
[72558] Fixed: Surface sound in infinite terrain (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/11430)
[72558] Fixed: AI vision was not affected by light sources.
[72558] Fixed: Birds were heard inside of a closed vehicle.
[72558] Fixed: Scripting command isFlatEmpty did not work with non-zero third coordinate. (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/11704)
Celoush 5.8.2010 16:12:23
Oficiálních stránky jsou nyní plné nových informací a fotek ohledně Takistánu.
Celoush 4.8.2010 16:52:05
[72417] New: Aircraft now auto-trims at high speed to prevent climbing.
[72407] Improved: More 3D/2D resolution ratios (8:7 and 6:5) added.
[72375] Fixed: Transport waited for dead unit to get out.
[72333] Fixed: NV tracers visible in TI (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/11608)
[72331] Fixed: Decreased tank sliding.
Celoush 27.7.2010 12:46:33
[72203] Fixed: Sonic Cracks and Tracers not working in multiplayer
Armored_Sheep 26.7.2010 10:08:13
...Sečteno a podtrženo je datadisk pro Armu 2 krokem výrazně dobrým směrem, minimálně z pohledu fandy technologií a hardwaru. Jde sice stále o pekelně náročnou hru, je ale možné ji s příslušeným hardwarem hrát i na ty nejvyšší detaily, zatímco majitelé slabších PC detaily sníží a zahrají si také plynule. A vizuální stránka odpovídá nárokům...
Celoush 21.7.2010 14:26:02
[72189] Optimized: Frame rate stutter near complex walkable objects (like low rock walls) caused by grass computations.
[72188] Fixed: crew getting killed in vehicles driving from hill/slope
[72163] Fixed: Audio unsupported sample frequency error
[72132] Fixed: IRStrobe (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/11852)
[72094] Fixed: client freezes when accessing ammobox (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/11577)
[72074] Fixed: Dead player bodies disappeared after respawn.
[72031] New: Added scripting function disableTIEquipment.
[71932] Fixed: Birds were heard inside of a closed vehicle.
Celoush 19.7.2010 12:26:34
[72101] Fixed: 3D editor - creating of logic center failed (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/11876)
[72100] Fixed: Unit in vehicle could not open gear in map.
[72094] Fixed: client freezes when accessing ammobox
[72084] Fixed: No volume drop on distance with weapon click, car horn and etc. (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/11689)
[72035] Fixed: EEIncomingMissile event parameter
[71988] Fixed: Surface sound in infinite terrain (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/11430)
[71976] Fixed: AI vision was not affected by light sources.
[71932] Fixed: birds(seagull) hear inside vehicles
[71976] Fixed: AI vision is now effected by light sources.
=MOR=Filip 15.7.2010 10:21:02
"O Operaci Arrowhead psal již před pár týdny kolega Satan a v dubnu jsme Vám přinesli preview novinářské verze hry, tudíž byste měli být s hlavními informacemi již obeznámeni. Pokud ne, hru si krátce představme:..."
Celoush 8.7.2010 15:44:24
[71910] Fixed: Scripting command isFlatEmpty did not work with non-zero third coordinate. (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/11704)
[71881] Fixed: Av8 unable to takeoff from Chernarus NE airstrip (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/3240) Fixed: Fog and sky colors did not match when dark. Fixed: Moon rotates when moving camera (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/8051) Fixed: Stars no longer visible through terrain with low view distance (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/8374) Fixed: Improved game stability with a small page file. Fixed: Gun recoil in ironsights view was missing kick-back (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/4401)
[71843] Fixed: possible crash after mouse click to Prev/Next button in DisplayConfigureAction
Celoush 8.7.2010 15:40:24
Naučte se používat High Command a časově synchronizujte své jednotky pro plánované útoky.
Celoush 7.7.2010 12:55:21
[71896] Fixed: TI was red instead of B/W with some settings and graphics cards.
[71891] Fixed: Night vision simulation was not simulating color sensitivity and blue shift in dark scenes.
[71882] Fixed: Disabled debugging message "Added texture headers from file"
[71527] Fixed: C130 was crashing on takeoff.
Armored_Sheep 30.6.2010 11:10:07
Tohle video mne dnes pobavilo.
Armored_Sheep 30.6.2010 09:38:38
První update k Arrowhead je venku, sjednocuje veškeré vydané verze tak aby šlo hrát společně v MP.