EPJ Bulvár

EPJ Bulvár


Celoush 10.9.2010 17:42:30
[73238] Fixed: Client had problems taking weapon from remote vehicle (supply target was handled localy)

[73236] New: Multiplayer Event Handlers MPKilled and MPHit. Their event handlers are synchronized over network to be the same on all clients. Moreover, when the MPKilled or MPHit event occurs it is triggered on all clients, ie. it works in global manner. Use them by new scripting commands addMPEventHandler, removeMPEventHandler and removeAllMPEventHandlers.
Celoush 9.9.2010 15:31:23
[73204] Fixed: Join group changes unit's side

[73139] Changed: Airplanes parallax HUD
disabled, can be enabled by "enableParallax" in config

[73126] Fixed: execVM with a zero sized file has freezed the game.

[73120] Fixed: Switching vision mode with fire mode

[73119] Fixed: AI equipped with TI see through smokes

[73117] Fixed: Commanding units with aiming deadzone

[71527] Fixed: C130 was crashing on takeoff.
Armored_Sheep 7.9.2010 17:47:43
Celoush 6.9.2010 11:07:58
Podařený song od fanouška pro Bohemia Interactive.
Celoush 3.9.2010 21:24:40
Fixed: crash on server when loading ban.txt
Celoush 3.9.2010 19:25:01
[73115] Fixed: crash in Ka52 while player as gunner
Celoush 3.9.2010 16:47:52
[73094] Fixed: Shadows sometimes disappered, esp. when sun was behind a player.

[73079] Improved: changed tank AI driver behaviour

[73073] New: Better clients bad CDKey checking on server.

[73068] Fixed: Crash with AI leaving vehicle with GetOut EH (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/11011)

[73044] Fixed: Client with bad CD key is kicked off from server instead of being politely asked to disconnect.

[73030] Fixed: Airplanes HUDs projected into infinity.

[73019] Improved: Tracers visible in all directions.

[73015] Fixed: Unable to connect to servers with equalModRequired.
Celoush 30.8.2010 14:48:47
Ježuro, český designér z BI, vydal u Ruprta tutoriál pro práci s novým konverzačním systémem.
Celoush 30.8.2010 11:11:31
[72966] Fixed: AI stuck while in combat/stealth mode

[72947] New: Explosive shells penetrate bushes; Fixed: FireAtPosition aimpoint

[72924] Fixed: Multiplayer on LAN was crashing when GameSpy server was unavailable.
Filip 28.8.2010 18:12:32
Páni, ak máte chvíľku čas a navštevujete radi našu klanovú stránku, nenechajte si ujsť hlasovanie o nový banner na webe, alebo môžete rozhodnúť o ponechaní stávajúceho.

S pozdravom
Celoush 27.8.2010 16:46:52
Celoush 27.8.2010 15:54:14
Co trocha nostalgie? Nechcete zkusit novou misi českého tvůrce Chicane pro Flashpoint, která je velmi dobře hodnocena?
Celoush 25.8.2010 17:28:49
Na vědomost se dává, že Tunáč ze SWATu se stal před třemi dny dědkem. Gratulujeme a vnukovi Jindrovi přejeme vše nej do budoucího života!!!
Celoush 24.8.2010 14:47:10
[72851] New: GameSpy modhash key contains list of mods hashes and is used to check there are additional mods on server missing on client (yellow icon in UI).
Perun 24.8.2010 14:06:43
The ACRE mod links ArmA2 and Teamspeak3 to create a more immersive environment in which we play in, including positional audio, real radio communications and complete compatibility with the ACE2 ArmA2 project
Celoush 23.8.2010 12:27:01
Další info u Ruprta: http://ofp.ruprt.cz/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=3975
Celoush 19.8.2010 11:22:34
Vyšla první recenze na British Armed Forces na hrej.cz
Celoush 19.8.2010 09:27:02
[72787] New: Mods contents hashes are compared instead of mods lists when equal mods are required on server.
[72716] Fixed: Commandline -mod behavior, active Mods list in UI, ModLauncher UI dialog with better mods detection and handling.
[72710] Fixed: Terrain shadows were too short (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/12328)
Celoush 18.8.2010 14:29:34
Velmi pěkné ingame video ze Arrowhead