Katalog českých a slovenských Arma misí, addonů a modů

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Tagy: Arma 3 Kubajz

Letecký přepad letiště, zničení řídící věže, nepřátelské techinky a likvidace místního velitele ISIS. Ace revive systém základní úrovně, možnost použití respawn. Hráč je informován o úkolech pomocí Tasků.

!!! Velitel skupiny je pilotem pro úvodní přepad – nutnost 1 hráč jako velitele xD

K misi je potřeba: CBA_A3 (+ možná i Community Base Addons v2.2.0) CUP Weapons ace ACR_A3 – Army of the Czech Republic A3 ACRE 2 ASDG_JR Blastcore: Phoenix CAF AGGRESSORS v 1.5 CUP ACE3 Compatibility Addon CUP Terrains – Core CUP Terrains – Maps Cha Mi8 fata EBU Mods (C-130) RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation RHS: United States Forces ARMA3: ALiVE Leights OPFOR Pack OFFICIAL

Altis Virus - Chapter 1

Altis Virus - Chapter 1

Mission Info Infected are hunting you, are you skilled enough to outsmart them, escape them or kill enough of them to survive? This is a multiplayer mission for 2 to 5 players.

You begin stranded around your safe camp. Your first task is to get to the camp alive, there you create a team and your next task will be to get the vehicles for you to start escaping. After you get vehicles get to the shed and wait to the chapter 2.

Approximate playtime: 30–60 minutes

Features info

  • Features zombies that follows you and bites you, you can survive 9 zombie bites.
  • Zombies are not sprinting but just running
  • You can kill them with one to two shots
  • Thanks to arma logic, they are capable of wall clipping sometimes
  • Immersive mode (NOT YET)
  • Story with 5 characters
  • Gasoline mini-game
  • Low ammo
  • Skippable intro
  • Build with TFAR in mind
  • Zombies multiplied with player count
  • Zombies created locally on all clients

Trivia / Other

  • Mission is based on Nogova Virus.
  • I want to thank the creator of Nogova Virus for his creation and the whole saga.
  • This mission is a tribute to the Nogova Virus saga and will most likely follow it's storyline with some modifications.
  • Immersive mode is not yet fully functional, there were some development disagreements that halted it's production for some time.
  • Contains royalty free music from Youtube creator studio
  • Best immersion is achieved with Task Force Radio Arrowhead
  • Please report any bugs, errors or suggestions you'd like to change.

Finding Pandora - TORCH

Finding Pandora - TORCH

Final disposal of PANDORA system

SP multi-mission with selectable gameplay – player can select various teams with different tasks.


  • No DLC required (Helicopters recommended)
  • No unofficial addons required
  • Player will fulfill whole mission through the various mini-missions
  • Customized equipment for all playable units
  • Enabled teamswitch
  • Optional tasks

First part „Finding Pandora“ can be found here: http://steamcommunity.com/…filedetails/?… Second part „Finding Pandora – TANGO“ can be found here: http://steamcommunity.com/…filedetails/?…

Fictional 2035 Russian Armed Forces

Fictional 2035 Russian Armed Forces

Concerning compatibility with Zeus and other mods etc.:

Zeus, ASDG and ALiVE compatibility is coming. It's just going a bit slow because both of us have no experience with those mods or config compatibility. If anyone wants to lend a hand, it will be much quicker. :)

Please give us Feedback or report any bugs either here or on the BIS and Armaholic forums!




This mod adds a fictional „future“ version of the Russian Armed Forces to ArmA 3. It can be used to complement the other 2035 factions in the game. Featured are unique uniforms, vests and gear (with their own models and textures) and included is the regular army, recon, paratroopers, sniper teams etc. in either Digital Flora or Berezhka camouflage.

Also, a lot of vanilla ArmA3 assets are utilized, especially vehicles which are retextured with the modern „Nakidka“ camo.

Another thing included are the AK12 weapons and fictional „12“ variants of others (using Vilas' AK12 model as a basis). Marskman DLC features are compatible.

We plan on expanding the roster, gear and armament with further versions. Same goes for some of the ArmA3 assets/placeholders (CSAT RPG-42 etc.) that will be replaced in the future.


  • ArmA 3


Extract the folder @Min_RF into your ArmA3 game directory and enable the mod in the launcher. Also put the Mindas.bikey into the core Keys folder.

For Steam Workshop, basically just hit the Subscribe button. :P After downloading the mod, do the same with the included .bikey file as bove.

For uninstallation, disable the mod in the launcher and delete the respective folder or Unsubscribe in case you're using Steam Workshop.


Mindas – Everything. Models, textures, config.. yes, he's that busy! Deathstruck/Slashbac­k/Salvatore_Le­e – Betatest, screenshots, permissions. And yes, I had that many nicknames. Vilas – AK12 model and MLOD. Toadie2k – AK animations. Sudden – Vehicle and armor textures. Avezd – Vehicle and armor textures. Chairborne – Vehicle and armor textures. TheEvanCat – Black Titan launcher. BadHabitz – Help with solving some of the retexturing problems concering the Titan launcher. Bohemia Interactive – The rest of the assets and ArmA3.


  • Retextures are okay. Feel free releasing those without asking (HiddenSelections are enabled).
  • Same goes for using the mod as a requirement for another.
  • Please ask our permission before releasing mods that alter or are based on the assets of this mod (models etc.)


You can usually contact us on the respective forums.

Mindas Deathstruck


By downloading and using this modification, you agree that the author of the modification cannot be held responsible for any damage to software or hardware directly or indirectly caused by the aforementioned modification. Use at your own risk, yaddy yadda.


Version 0.9 (27–10–15)

  • Initial public release.
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