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Komunitní aktuality

Na tuto stránku můžete vkládat odkazy na novinky, které podle vás stojí za upozornění. Stejně tak můžete upozornit na zajímavé addony, mise či další věci týkající se jen OFP: Cold War Crisis, OFP:Resistance, Arma: Armed Assault, ArmA 2 a ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead.

Platí přísný zákaz reklamy či propagace jiné hry či jakékoliv činnosti nesouvisející s uvedenými hrami.

Vložit aktualitu
Toto pole nevyplňujte. Slouží jen jako ochrana proti robotům
Toto pole nevyplňujte. Slouží jen jako ochrana proti robotům
27.9.2010 15:20:29
Na facebookové stránce ArmA 2 se objevila připravovaná puška AA-12 Matilda

26.9.2010 22:26:51
European Combat League je zpět

24.9.2010 00:36:43
Arrowhead recenze v GamePage

11.9.2010 byla v České televizi v pořadu Game Page uvedena kratší videorecenze na Arrowhead. Hra si odnesla hodnocení 70/100

21.9.2010 18:07:19
ArmA2 OA Beta Build 73478

[73457] Improved: Animation interpolation no longer shortening hands.

[73429] Fixed: Relative formation command (advance/fallbac­k/flank) now working as expected. Improved: AI mounting vehicles or catching up with formation covering a bit less to move faster.

[73366] New: Expansions possibly registered in Windows Registry (by some future setups) are loaded and available through ModLauncher. When used with -mod commandline the prefix ‚%‘ should be used, such as -mod=%someInsta­lledMod.

[73351] New: added addWeaponCargo­Global, addMagazineCar­goGlobal, addBackpackCar­goGlobal

[73339] Improved: Improved helicopter AI formation flying and collision avoidance.

[73336] Fixed: MPEvents were not synchronized to clients after respawn.

[73333] Fixed: leaveVehicle no longer unassigns units from other groups (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/3476)

[73319] Changed: Event handlers evaluation

17.9.2010 18:05:53
Naučte se dělat mise ve třech krocích!

17.9.2010 12:01:12

14.9.2010 21:18:11
ArmA2 OA Beta Build 73311

[73311] Fixed: AI soldier unable to fire at targets below or above itself (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/13668)

[73297] New: addBackpackCargo script function

13.9.2010 10:02:26
Recenze BAF na bonuswebu

Tak Bonusweb už se konečně taky dostal k ohodnocení Britů – 75%

10.9.2010 17:42:30
ArmA2 OA Beta Build 73239

[73238] Fixed: Client had problems taking weapon from remote vehicle (supply target was handled localy)

[73236] New: Multiplayer Event Handlers MPKilled and MPHit. Their event handlers are synchronized over network to be the same on all clients. Moreover, when the MPKilled or MPHit event occurs it is triggered on all clients, ie. it works in global manner. Use them by new scripting commands addMPEventHandler, removeMPEventHan­dler and removeAllMPEven­tHandlers.

9.9.2010 15:31:23
ArmA2 OA Beta Build 73206

[73204] Fixed: Join group changes unit's side

[73139] Changed: Airplanes parallax HUD disabled, can be enabled by „enableParallax“ in config

[73126] Fixed: execVM with a zero sized file has freezed the game.

[73120] Fixed: Switching vision mode with fire mode

[73119] Fixed: AI equipped with TI see through smokes

[73117] Fixed: Commanding units with aiming deadzone

[71527] Fixed: C130 was crashing on takeoff.

Armored_Sheep (Anonymně)
7.9.2010 17:47:43
Máš to lepší ve verzi i s obrázkama ;)

6.9.2010 11:07:58
Ode to Bohemia Interactive

Podařený song od fanouška pro Bohemia Interactive.

5.9.2010 21:20:40
Recenze: Arma 2: British Armed Forces – v barvách Albionu

3.9.2010 21:24:40
ArmA2 OA Beta Build 73116

Fixed: crash on server when loading ban.txt

3.9.2010 19:25:01
ArmA2 OA Beta Build 73115

[73115] Fixed: crash in Ka52 while player as gunner

3.9.2010 16:47:52
ArmA2 OA Beta Build 73112

[73094] Fixed: Shadows sometimes disappered, esp. when sun was behind a player.

[73079] Improved: changed tank AI driver behaviour

[73073] New: Better clients bad CDKey checking on server.

[73068] Fixed: Crash with AI leaving vehicle with GetOut EH (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/11011)

[73044] Fixed: Client with bad CD key is kicked off from server instead of being politely asked to disconnect.

[73030] Fixed: Airplanes HUDs projected into infinity.

[73019] Improved: Tracers visible in all directions.

[73015] Fixed: Unable to connect to servers with equalModRequired.

30.8.2010 14:48:47
Nový konverzační systém

Ježuro, český designér z BI, vydal u Ruprta tutoriál pro práci s novým konverzačním systémem.

30.8.2010 11:11:31
ArmA2 OA Beta Build 72967

[72966] Fixed: AI stuck while in combat/stealth mode

[72947] New: Explosive shells penetrate bushes; Fixed: FireAtPosition aimpoint

[72924] Fixed: Multiplayer on LAN was crashing when GameSpy server was unavailable.

Filip (Anonymně)
28.8.2010 18:12:32
Prosím hlasujte

Páni, ak máte chvíľku čas a navštevujete radi našu klanovú stránku, nenechajte si ujsť hlasovanie o nový banner na webe, alebo môžete rozhodnúť o ponechaní stávajúceho.

ďakujem S pozdravom

27.8.2010 16:46:52
A2OA - Artillery Tutorial