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Na tuto stránku můžete vkládat odkazy na novinky, které podle vás stojí za upozornění. Stejně tak můžete upozornit na zajímavé addony, mise či další věci týkající se jen OFP: Cold War Crisis, OFP:Resistance, Arma: Armed Assault, ArmA 2 a ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead.
Platí přísný zákaz reklamy či propagace jiné hry či jakékoliv činnosti nesouvisející s uvedenými hrami.
[77057] Fixed: Fire command was not working on non-enemy targets.
[77011] Fixed: Av-8 sometimes performed long series of full rolls when disengaging from a target.
77007] Fixed: Improved airplane terrain avoidance when attacking. (
[77004] Fixed: Possible ServerCommand abuse by non-admin attackers.
[76997] Fixed: lip-sync in EW campaign and in MP while client using VON.
BIS znova po roku spustila anketu „Community Awards 2010“. Prvým krokom sú opäť nominácie v rôznych kategóriách, z ktorých budú potom vybraný finalisti. Nominácie končia v Pondelok, 31. Januára 2011 o 23:59.
[76973] Fixed: AI units sometimes walking in circles (
[76955] Fix: Flooding of RPT file by „Cannot find Object“ and similar messages after client disconnection.
[76955] FIX: Engine crash with diag_log versus % r. 76245 – Replicated fix 73479 (fixed crash when no clutter shape)
[76930] Fixed: More reliable VRAM detection on Vista/Win7 (using DXGI). (
[76918] Fixed: Units created by CreateUnit have had empty identity.
[76913] Improved: AI helis able to fly a bit faster.
[76913] Fixed: AI piloting a heli with a player as a gunner did not attempt to autorotate.
[76871] Reduced lod switching in dense (forsest, town) scenes.
[76870] Fixed: Flood in RPT file caused by lines like „Object 2:200 (type Type268) not found.“
[76837] Fixed: Fake server monitor line after client connects.
[74800] Fixed: AI no longer opening fire on empty vehicles.
[76808] Fixed: Cursor on the windows borders no longer flashing when attempting to drag/resize the window.
[76796] Fixed: Win7/Vista Aero preview should no longer be activated by mouse movement while playing.
[76774] Fixed: Helicopters no longer lifting off when aircraft passed over them (
[76758] Fixed: AI Helicopters wobbling up and down (
[76749] Improved: Enemy targets are now unassigned once their crew is killed.
[76747] Fixed: doFire did not work on most targets.
[76740] New: Multihome servers support. Commandline parameter -ip=my.ip.add.res available.
[76733] Fixed: SetCaptive doesn't stop AI shooting at a unit/player (fix 2.0)
- pridaný tutoriál „Použitie funkcií unitCapture a unitPlay“
- pridaná ukážková misia pre použitie funkcií unitCapture a unitPlay
- pridaný tutoriál „Zajímavé funkce a příkazy z OA a DLC“
- pridaných niekoľko nových príkazov pre Operation Arrowhead
- založená sekcia pre popis funkcií „BIS_fnc_“
- doplnený popis funkcií „BIS_fnc_“
- niekoľko drobných úprav
[76709] Fixed: Groups were missing units after group changes on JIP clients.
[76693] Fixed: LOD switching with -exThreads=0
[76690] Fixed: Despite irTarget = 0 units/objects could be locked with TAB.
[76664] Fixed: SetCaptive doesn't stop AI shooting at a unit/player
[76649] New: allMissionObjects script command
[76646] New: Script command setPlayerRespawnTime
[76630] New: new AllDead command
[76557] Fixed: Video playback stuttering
[76518] Fixed: Locality issues of objects in MP (mainly updates from nonowner errors). Version raised to 1.57 due to MP incompability.