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Komunitní aktuality

Na tuto stránku můžete vkládat odkazy na novinky, které podle vás stojí za upozornění. Stejně tak můžete upozornit na zajímavé addony, mise či další věci týkající se jen OFP: Cold War Crisis, OFP:Resistance, Arma: Armed Assault, ArmA 2 a ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead.

Platí přísný zákaz reklamy či propagace jiné hry či jakékoliv činnosti nesouvisející s uvedenými hrami.

Vložit aktualitu
Toto pole nevyplňujte. Slouží jen jako ochrana proti robotům
Toto pole nevyplňujte. Slouží jen jako ochrana proti robotům
9.12.2009 16:27:42
ArmA 2 beta patch build 61032
[61032] Changed: Destroy helicopter if on ground and upside down. [60954] Changed: Increased range of ILS signal from 3 to 8 km. [60939] Improved: increased VASI brightness to increase its visible range. [60908] New: BattlEye support [60902] Changed: Helicopters crash into the ground condition improved. [60902] Fixed: Helicopter with automatic gear control open gear earlier when main rotor failure.

Acutres (Anonymně)
7.12.2009 19:21:01
ACE2 public beta

Bobo (Anonymně)
4.12.2009 16:58:39
ArmA 2 Beta Patch - build 60890
Klobouky už spadly ...., a je tu další další patch :-) [60886] Improved AI subordinates should now respect formation more when choosing a cover. [60852] Fixed: After revert, year was restored to 1985. [60838] New function x intepolate [xFrom,xTo,resultFrom, resultTo] can be used in simple expressions.

4.12.2009 14:09:30
ArmA 2 Beta Patch - build 60819
Držte si klobouky, jedeme z kopce, je tu další patch.... [60818] Fixed: AI no longers switches to aware when player leader turns in in an armored vehicle, it only goes prone/crouch. [60818] Fixed: AI groups never went to "combat" when player was a tank commander, resulting in multiple "under fire" messages. [60818] Improved: AI subordinates in player's group now report Clear as appropriate unless player has given Danger command.

3.12.2009 12:34:30
ArmA 2 Beta Patch - build 60803
Sice vyšla další beta, ale od poslední bety nevidím rozdíl v logu (respektive log k 60718 je stejný): [60718] Changed: AI now goes to Combat behaviour automatically only when under fire, not when player is prone. [60718] Changed: AI follows leader stance, but does not switch to combat behaviour when player is prone. [60711] Changed: Units now never enter cover while moving in compact (Delta or File) formations.

Stealth (Anonymně)
2.12.2009 10:28:26
Další Beta
S tím 1.05 patchem to vypadá dobře když tak čtu ty změny. Ty AI si hned jak budu doma vyzkouším.

1.12.2009 16:06:19
Bohemia Interactive Community Awards 2009 nominace
Nominační část zahájena. Bohužel došlo skutečně ke sloučení části nejlepší MOD a addon. Stejně tak se nerozděljují SP, MP mise ani kampaně, ale jsou tu navíc videa od uživatelů a zůstává i nej stránka a nej uživatel. No tak hurá!

30.11.2009 12:14:00
ArmA 2 Beta patch - Build 60588
[60588] Fixed: MP client could not use laser designator in vehicles. [60525] Fixed: Changing window size is no longer possible inside of video options screen. [60522] Improved: Longer view distance for objects when high view distance is used. [60457] New: FreeTrack support using FreeTrackClient.dll [60323] Changed: Formation direction now adjusts to human leader body direction, not a movement direction. [60260] Fixed: AI soldiers moving in Safe/Aware could sometimes be stuck near a bush or other objects. [60234] New: Scripting function enableAIFeature to disable new AI features when old behaviour is required

Bobo (Anonymně)
24.11.2009 17:13:55
Real Virtuality Going Multicore
Článek Ondřeje Španěla o multicore optimalizacích v Arme II. Bohužel jen v angličtině.

24.11.2009 09:51:42
Beta 60309
[60260] Fixed: AI soldiers moving in Safe/Aware could sometimes be stuck near a bush or other objects. [60260] Formation direction now adjusts to human leader watched direction, not a movement direction. [60234] New: Scripting function enableAIFeature to disable new AI features when old behaviour is required. [60220] Improved: AI covering units tend to stay close to each other. [60155] Fixed: MultiPlayer client crash caused by certain custom sound

23.11.2009 14:54:13

19.11.2009 15:30:24
BI web pro "profíky"

13.11.2009 23:31:36
Soutěž Bohemia Interactive o nejlepší mod
(TISKOV�? ZPR�?VA) - Společnost Bohemia Interactive a IDEA Games ohlásili zahájení dalšího ročníku soutěže “Bohemia Interactive Community Awards 2009”. Soutěž je rozdělena na......

12.11.2009 21:35:47
Arma2 Beta Build 60141
A jede se dál.... [60129] Fixed: AI subordinates now move faster (use less cover) to catch up when leader is way ahead of them. [60102] Fixed: AI subordinates should now respect formation more when moving in combat. [60101] Fixed: Group leader was often running far ahead alone in combat. [60092] Fixed: AI leader did not wait for a player to cover him when moving in combat.

Bobo (Anonymně)
10.11.2009 22:13:54
Beta Patch 60091
[60090] Fixed: Improved vehicles and motorcycles driving. [60068] New: Alt-Enter can be used to switch window/fullscreen while paused. [60015] New: Execute action with LMB can be unmapped. [60013] Fixed: Possible freeze under Vista/Win7 when Alt-Tabing out of the game during progress screen. .... a opravdu to vypada, že aute se lépe ovládají wooow.

9.11.2009 18:16:26
Beta Patch 6000
[59988] New: Windowed/Fullscreen can now be switched ingame (in Video options). [59924] Fixed: More 32b overflows caused by 8 GB RAM + large VRAM. [59906] Fixed: Most vehicle gunners did not provide suppressive fire. [59899] Fixed: AI did not use suppressive fire against enemies seen while holding fire. [59898] Fixed: Spatial explosions sounds [59884] Fixed: Suppress in the commanding menu did nothing. [59875] New: Suppressive fire against known enemies can be scripted using unit suppressFor time. [59873] Fixed: After spawning new types of entities via script, game could randomly freeze or crash. [59872] Fixed: Airplane, helicopter, car and ship control was lost while map was active. [59842] Reduced town/village stutter (fixed streaming of textures used by Super shader). [59808] Fixed: DOF in 3D scope view [59741] Analogue throttle working for helicopters as well. [59736] Fixed: Startup sounds are not spatial and stick to audio channels [59715] Covering soldier in grass ("Grass layer") [59691] Improved: Small hit be ignored by hitpoints (configurable by minimalHit) [59668] Improved: Hitpoint can pass only a part of the hit to the total damage (passthrough setting no longer ignored). [59479] Improved: addons in the My Documents are now organized by mod directories - until now, the only path supported was My Documents\<app_name>\addons - now, also paths My Documents\<app_name>\<mod_dir>\addons are checked for all active mods [59446] New: IK weapon animations are now blending with primary animations. [59351] Fixed: VoN direct speaking distance fade out [59318] Fixed: support the highest Matrox TrippleHead2Go resolutions [59279] Fixed: FPS on Dedicated server is not affected by server window manipulation (such as move or scroll). [59088] Improved: Mouse lag caused by GPU render ahead buffer can be limited using GPU_MaxFramesAhead=N in ArmA2.cfg. [59047] Fix: When player was a helicopter pilot, the AI gunner sometimes had no weapon selected on mission start [59030] Fix: Helicopters - when manual fire on, do not allow AI gunner to switch weapons

5.11.2009 12:46:25
ArmA Beta Patch 1.17
Příprava na finálních patch pro ArmA: Armed Assault.

3.11.2009 21:59:09
Další lol 59928
to je jak na běžícím pásu:-)

Bobo (Anonymně)
2.11.2009 21:07:55
Trošku novejší Beta patch Build 59875

Bobo (Anonymně)
30.10.2009 12:13:28
Nový beta patch ARMA2_Build_59857.zip
+ znovu funguje skrývání v trávě jako v Arma 1 ;-) http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff105/KH_PuFu/arma22009-10-3012-19-04-78.jpg

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