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Komunitní aktuality
Na tuto stránku můžete vkládat odkazy na novinky, které podle vás stojí za upozornění. Stejně tak můžete upozornit na zajímavé addony, mise či další věci týkající se jen OFP: Cold War Crisis, OFP:Resistance, Arma: Armed Assault, ArmA 2 a ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead.
Platí přísný zákaz reklamy či propagace jiné hry či jakékoliv činnosti nesouvisející s uvedenými hrami.
I2 – mission is no longer failing before the takeoff
C1,I1 – SD pistol mags were missing
C5 – high command icons were not loaded
C6 – task waypoint for transporting important POW is fixed
C3 – smuggler not shooting
I1 – Shilka was too strong
I1 – Razor is hunting down one enemy on the whole of Chernarus
Minor fixes in (CZ/RU) dubbing protocol
[79107] Fixed: Su-34 crashed after take off when player was a gunner (
Dnes byla uveřejněna poslední část Dslyecxiho průvodce hrou ArmA II. Takže kdo vyčkával dokud průvodce nebude kompletně přeložen, může se vrhnout do čtení.
[78909] Optimized: Improved FPS in some scenes when looking through scope into forest.
[78690] Fixed: Crash after UI navigation Options > Audio Options > Auto adjust > Cancel
[78552] Improved: Quick commanding menu now allows to order multiple units to engage or fire at the same time.
[78515] Fixed: regularCheck no longer done for players not fully ingame to prevent timeouts during the mission loading.
další info o této kampani s modifikací, ostrovem a addony naleznete na
Cena bude 30 euro (cca 730,–Kč)
[78376] Changed: Manual vectoring control in autohover mode with analogue throttle using Flaps actions.
[78374] Fixed: Helicopter did not take off when engine was off and enemies nearby.
[78372] Improved: Faster Signature checks on server side.
[78205] Improved: Only first AI unit in each formation reports its position on Report Status.
[78194] Changed: First click on a target from quick commanding menu now issues Target instead of Attack, second click issues Engage.
[78192] Improved: VerifySignatures entry in server.cfg can contain the required version of signatures.
[78174] Improved: Stronger signature checking.
[78153] New: Ctrl+F1..Ctrl+F5 assigns unit to team red/green/blue/yellow/white.
[78150] Changed: Shift-F1..Shift-F5 select corresponding color team (red/green/blue/yellow/white)
[78137] Fixed: Mv22 did not take off when spawned on the ground (…)
[78113] Fixed: AI no longer sees through fog better than player. ( Fixed: weather changes done in the vehicle init line considered when checking AI visibility on the mission start. Improved: Init scripts time limit increased from 3 ms to 100 ms. Optimized: setViewDistance is no longer slow when used to reduce view distance.
[78059] Changed: Yellow server no longer listed at the bottom of the server list.
[78048] Fixed: Signatures GameSpy key truncated to at most 200 Bytes. Too long list has caused other GS keys were not available due to overflow.
[78017] Improved: Convoys now passing crossroads a bit faster.
[78002] Improved: Road obstacle avoidance improved.
[77941] Improved: Alt-F4 no longer exits the game when while playing.
[77855] Fixed: AI unable to traverse some roads when in combat.
[77808] Fixed: Loading of some world was very slow unless -exThreads=0 was used.
[77771] Fixed: Bug in TCMalloc which might be causing Out of memory (
[77737] Fixed: fixed problem from previous beta patch with TI mapped on „N“ key
[77704] Improved: Stronger signatures checking.
[77678] Fixed: AI subordinates moving in convoy now leaving roads less frequently.
[77644] Changed: Bounding overwatch movement now respects formation order.
[77582] Fixed: Formations broken when in danger (
[77562] Fixed: Game is no longer checking files on W: drive during startup.
[77538] Improved: AI using cover at house corners more often.
[77399] Fixed: Prevent server crash on many malformed incomming network messages.
[77289] Improved: Vegetation rendering using AToC (require antialiasing enabled)
[77282] New: Player can command AI to move into a specific cover.
[77277] Improved: AI helicopter no longer attempting to land into a wind under 1.5 m/s.
[77259] Fixed: Non-existing files attempted to be open for procedural textures (
[77169] Improved: AI now always moves without covering when given move command by a player ( Improved: AI now always moves without covering when boarding a vehicle.
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[77150] Fixed: Helicopter flying too low when approaching a landing spot.
[77103] Improved: AI keeping formation a bit more strictly while in combat.
[77080] Fixed: AI units not following player in combat. (