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Na tuto stránku můžete vkládat odkazy na novinky, které podle vás stojí za upozornění. Stejně tak můžete upozornit na zajímavé addony, mise či další věci týkající se jen OFP: Cold War Crisis, OFP:Resistance, Arma: Armed Assault, ArmA 2 a ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead.
Platí přísný zákaz reklamy či propagace jiné hry či jakékoliv činnosti nesouvisející s uvedenými hrami.
Arma Help SK-CZ bol updatnutý na najnovšiu verziu – ver.3.00.3
- pridané nové príkazy pre Arma 3
- pridané nové funkcie platné od Arma 3
- pridaný tutoriál „Výstražný systém“
- pridaný tutoriál „Meranie vzdialenosti“
- pridaný tutoriál „Pozície jednotiek“
- niekoľko drobných úprav a doplnení
“Welcome to Take On Mars. Just as with any space exploration mission, the initial launch of TKOM is the start of a journey. By making the game available as an Early Access title, we hope to receive feedback and suggestions from players, and work together to create the most dynamic exploration sim game – driven by everyone’s passion for exploration and interest in extra-terrestrial bodies, such as Mars… Better said, especially Mars!”
Patch released, Dev branch highlights, Early release prep
Game Update: 0.74 (BattlEye anti-cheat, APC Package) SIZE: ~905 MB
- installer fixes
- unspecified fixes
[104648] Fix: Initialization of backpack in vehicles in MP [103718] Fixed: AI no longer fires on targets it does not see, only is reported by other group members.
- more BattlEye server side filters…
- fixed SSL issues with secureID…
[102678] Fixed: switchWeapon action broken (
- way more crash fixes both scripting and else
[102493] Fixed: execFSM/doFSM/commandFSM causes crash with non fsm file [102469] Fixed: initAmbientLife causes a crash ( [102440] Fixed: Smooth camera could sometimes jump very far briefly (caused crash
- more crash fixes including the MP fire+ground hit one
[102106] Fixed: Joystick state reset on start [102082] Fixed: gearSlotData causes crash when no valid control is given ( [101333] A new mission.sqm unit value forceHeadlessClient used to mark a role reserved for a HC (
- hotfixed crash from 101141 changes
[101141] Fixed: Scripting functions aimPos, eyePos, eyeDirection fixed for a crew (…) [101032] New: Scripting function hasInterface to allow detecting a headless client or a dedicated server. [100540] Fixed: Users connecting with blocked CD keys were sometimes shown „You are banned“ message instead of „Bad CD Key“.
- SSL fix…
- multiple crash cases resolved (thanks to all who reported)
[100296] Fixed: MP: Player head movement using numpad keys was not visible to other players. [100257] Fixed: ballisticsComputer uses wrong velocity (
- some beta regressions fixed, shall hotfix some of the often crashes of client/server seen in past weeks
- possible slight performance increase when using BE filters