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Platí přísný zákaz reklamy či propagace jiné hry či jakékoliv činnosti nesouvisející s uvedenými hrami.
INFO: Apex Artwork, PC Gaming Show 2016, Tanoa Dev-Branch Status
ACTIVITY: Hotfix: 1.60 (Crash Fixes, Miscellaneous)
INFO: Update 1.60 Released, Feedback Tracker Online, Respawn Screen
ACTIVITY: Game Update 1.60 (Visual Upgrade, Quick Play, Line Drawing, Respawn Screen, Targeting, Limping)
CIRCUMSTANCES: Update 0.984 (Work Drive, Project Space)
OPSUM: Evaluating an overhaul of the Respawn Screen
INFO: Development Status, Rendering Optimizations, VON Improvements
INFO: Release Candidate 1.60, Limping, Line Drawing, Quick Play
INFO: Launcher Upgrade, CfgPatches Revamp, Difficulty Overhaul Phase 3, Work Drive
INFO: Tanoa Sector Tests, Community Guides, 1.58 Re-Released
ACTIVITY: Hotfix: 1.58 (System Allocator Performance, Server Difficulty Settings, Crash Fixes)
INFO: Official Mod, Milsim Stream VoD, Top 10 Update 1.58, Price Reductions, Score Screen
ACTIVITY: Game Update 1.58 (Tasks Overhaul, Weapon Switching on the Move, Action Menu Streamlining, Eden Editor Compositions)
INFO: 1.58 Release Week, Campaign Unification, Action Filtering, Eden Editor Updates, Targeting Improvements
INFO: Visual Upgrade, Milsim Live Stream, Respawn Screen
OPSUM: Introducing splendid upgrades to Arma 3's lighting and visuals.
INFO: Weapon Switching On-The-Move, Suppressive Fire, Mappable Camera Controls, Update 1.58 Status
INFO: RC 1.58 Intel, Feedback Tracker Status, Debug Console Improvements