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Platí přísný zákaz reklamy či propagace jiné hry či jakékoliv činnosti nesouvisející s uvedenými hrami.
INFO: Update 1.66 Released, Dynamic Simulation, Forums Downtime
OPSUM: Introducing an experimental cooperative scenario
Introducing 64-bit Arma 3 – what, why, and how!
ACTIVITY: Hotfix 1.66 (selectPlayer Command, Missile Warning)
INFO: Update 1.66 Released, Dynamic Simulation, Forums Downtime
ACTIVITY: Game Update 1.66 (Footsteps Audio Overhaul, Tactical Ping, Maintenance)
INFO: Update 1.66 Release Candidate, Footsteps Audio Overhaul, 64-bit Information
OPSUM: Introducing the latest AI path-following improvements for wheeled vehicles.
INFO: Clean Sweep, Bohemia Incubator, Game Developers Session
INFO: Roadmap 2016–17, Improved Lightmaps, SITREP Frequency
ACTIVITY: Hotfix 1.64 (Controller Fixes, MP Vehicle Movement, Miscellaneous)
INFO: Roadmap Incoming, Memory Allocator Changes, Visual Upgrade Documentation
INFO: Aspect Ratio Settings Removal, Security Feedback Tracker Project, Tools Hotfix
INFO: Update 1.64 Released, High-Res Contributions, Audio Engine Documentation
ACTIVITY: Hotfix 1.64 (Launcher PBO Signatures)
ACTIVITY: Game Update 1.64 (Apex Protocol Difficulty Overhaul, Vehicle Path-Following Improvements, Simple Objects Integration)
CIRCUMSTANCES: Update 1.02 (Publisher, Arma 3 Tools Launcher)