EPJ Bulvár

EPJ Bulvár


Celoush 11.12.2009 14:14:46
[61060] Fixed: Crash when copying trigger activated by a group.
[61057] Fixed: AI subordinates in a player group were often not moving in combat until player has stopped.
[61035] Fix: Dedicated server window has not react to some window messages often (such as focus loss)
Celoush 9.12.2009 16:27:42
[61032] Changed: Destroy helicopter if on ground and upside down.
[60954] Changed: Increased range of ILS signal from 3 to 8 km.
[60939] Improved: increased VASI brightness to increase its visible range.
[60908] New: BattlEye support
[60902] Changed: Helicopters crash into the ground condition improved.
[60902] Fixed: Helicopter with automatic gear control open gear earlier when main rotor failure.
Acutres 7.12.2009 19:21:01
Bobo 4.12.2009 16:58:39
Klobouky už spadly ...., a je tu další další patch :-)

[60886] Improved AI subordinates should now respect formation more when choosing a cover.
[60852] Fixed: After revert, year was restored to 1985.
[60838] New function x intepolate [xFrom,xTo,resultFrom, resultTo] can be used in simple expressions.
Celoush 4.12.2009 14:09:30
Držte si klobouky, jedeme z kopce, je tu další patch....
[60818] Fixed: AI no longers switches to aware when player leader turns in in an armored vehicle, it only goes prone/crouch.
[60818] Fixed: AI groups never went to "combat" when player was a tank commander, resulting in multiple "under fire" messages.
[60818] Improved: AI subordinates in player's group now report Clear as appropriate unless player has given Danger command.
Celoush 3.12.2009 12:34:30
Sice vyšla další beta, ale od poslední bety nevidím rozdíl v logu (respektive log k 60718 je stejný):
[60718] Changed: AI now goes to Combat behaviour automatically only when under fire, not when player is prone.
[60718] Changed: AI follows leader stance, but does not switch to combat behaviour when player is prone.
[60711] Changed: Units now never enter cover while moving in compact (Delta or File) formations.
Stealth 2.12.2009 10:28:26
S tím 1.05 patchem to vypadá dobře když tak čtu ty změny. Ty AI si hned jak budu doma vyzkouším.
Celoush 1.12.2009 16:06:19
Nominační část zahájena. Bohužel došlo skutečně ke sloučení části nejlepší MOD a addon. Stejně tak se nerozděljují SP, MP mise ani kampaně, ale jsou tu navíc videa od uživatelů a zůstává i nej stránka a nej uživatel. No tak hurá!
Celoush 30.11.2009 12:14:00
[60588] Fixed: MP client could not use laser designator in vehicles.
[60525] Fixed: Changing window size is no longer possible inside of video options screen.
[60522] Improved: Longer view distance for objects when high view distance is used.
[60457] New: FreeTrack support using FreeTrackClient.dll
[60323] Changed: Formation direction now adjusts to human leader body direction, not a movement direction.
[60260] Fixed: AI soldiers moving in Safe/Aware could sometimes be stuck near a bush or other objects.
[60234] New: Scripting function enableAIFeature to disable new AI features when old behaviour is required
Bobo 24.11.2009 17:13:55
Článek Ondřeje Španěla o multicore optimalizacích v Arme II. Bohužel jen v angličtině.
Celoush 24.11.2009 09:51:42
[60260] Fixed: AI soldiers moving in Safe/Aware could sometimes be stuck near a bush or other objects.
[60260] Formation direction now adjusts to human leader watched direction, not a movement direction.
[60234] New: Scripting function enableAIFeature to disable new AI features when old behaviour is required.
[60220] Improved: AI covering units tend to stay close to each other.
[60155] Fixed: MultiPlayer client crash caused by certain custom sound
Celoush 19.11.2009 15:30:24
Stealth 13.11.2009 23:31:36
(TISKOV? ZPR?VA) - Společnost Bohemia Interactive a IDEA Games ohlásili zahájení dalšího ročníku soutěže “Bohemia Interactive Community Awards 2009”. Soutěž je rozdělena na......
Celoush 12.11.2009 21:35:47
A jede se dál....

[60129] Fixed: AI subordinates now move faster (use less cover) to catch up when leader is way ahead of them.
[60102] Fixed: AI subordinates should now respect formation more when moving in combat.
[60101] Fixed: Group leader was often running far ahead alone in combat.
[60092] Fixed: AI leader did not wait for a player to cover him when moving in combat.
Bobo 10.11.2009 22:13:54
[60090] Fixed: Improved vehicles and motorcycles driving.
[60068] New: Alt-Enter can be used to switch window/fullscreen while paused.
[60015] New: Execute action with LMB can be unmapped.
[60013] Fixed: Possible freeze under Vista/Win7 when Alt-Tabing out of the game during progress screen.

.... a opravdu to vypada, že aute se lépe ovládají wooow.
Celoush 9.11.2009 18:16:26
[59988] New: Windowed/Fullscreen can now be switched ingame (in Video options).
[59924] Fixed: More 32b overflows caused by 8 GB RAM + large VRAM.
[59906] Fixed: Most vehicle gunners did not provide suppressive fire.
[59899] Fixed: AI did not use suppressive fire against enemies seen while holding fire.
[59898] Fixed: Spatial explosions sounds
[59884] Fixed: Suppress in the commanding menu did nothing.
[59875] New: Suppressive fire against known enemies can be scripted using unit suppressFor time.
[59873] Fixed: After spawning new types of entities via script, game could randomly freeze or crash.
[59872] Fixed: Airplane, helicopter, car and ship control was lost while map was active.
[59842] Reduced town/village stutter (fixed streaming of textures used by Super shader).
[59808] Fixed: DOF in 3D scope view
[59741] Analogue throttle working for helicopters as well.
[59736] Fixed: Startup sounds are not spatial and stick to audio channels
[59715] Covering soldier in grass ("Grass layer")
[59691] Improved: Small hit be ignored by hitpoints (configurable by minimalHit)
[59668] Improved: Hitpoint can pass only a part of the hit to the total damage (passthrough setting no longer ignored).
[59479] Improved: addons in the My Documents are now organized by mod directories - until now, the only path supported was My Documents\\addons - now, also paths My Documents\\\addons are checked for all active mods
[59446] New: IK weapon animations are now blending with primary animations.
[59351] Fixed: VoN direct speaking distance fade out
[59318] Fixed: support the highest Matrox TrippleHead2Go resolutions
[59279] Fixed: FPS on Dedicated server is not affected by server window manipulation (such as move or scroll).
[59088] Improved: Mouse lag caused by GPU render ahead buffer can be limited using GPU_MaxFramesAhead=N in ArmA2.cfg.
[59047] Fix: When player was a helicopter pilot, the AI gunner sometimes had no weapon selected on mission start
[59030] Fix: Helicopters - when manual fire on, do not allow AI gunner to switch weapons
Celoush 5.11.2009 12:46:25
Příprava na finálních patch pro ArmA: Armed Assault.
Stealth 3.11.2009 21:59:09
to je jak na běžícím pásu:-)
Bobo 2.11.2009 21:07:55