Vyšel patch 1.54 pro Arrowhead
Vydání DLC British Armed Forces se blíží (oficiálně vyjde za hodinu a půl) a tak BI vyrukovala s patchem pro Arrowhead, který povýší vaši verzi na 1.54. Tento patch přináší všechny addony, které budou v BAF, ale v nízké kvalitě. Mise tak můžou autoři tvořit i s Brity, protože vymoženosti DLC budou mít dostupné všichni hráči Arrowhead. DLC tedy přinese mimo jednotek ve vysokém rozlišení hlavně novou kampa?.
Patch 1.54 má 189 MB.
Stahovat můžete přímo ze stránek BI.
Seznam novinek:
Arma 2: British Armed Forces Lite – all units, vehicles and weapons from Arma 2: British Armed Forces areincluded in this patch with lower quality textures and audio files. The full version ofArma 2: British Armed Forces with high resolution textures and packed with a new campaignand large selection of new single player missions is available for purchase,see www.arma2.com/baf for more information about the content of Arma 2: British Armed Forces.Engineer – Engineers have undergone some serious training and are now capable of repairing damaged vehiclesand defusing mines.Artillery Computer – All indirect fire weapons can exploit the brand new artillery computer by selectingit in the Action Menu (default binding is the mouse wheel). The artillery computer initiates an interfacewhere you can see your weapon, and the associated minimal and maximal ranges on the map.Numerous stability and functionality fixes and improvements.Reworked MP Session Browser and Mission Selector.
Nízká kvalita Britů v patchi je opravdu nízká – viz. http://i420.photobucket.com/…47-14-77.jpg
Má vliv i na výkon? Běží hra líp?
v1.54 Engine
- New: GameSpy modhash key contains list of mods hashes and is used to check there are additional mods on server missing on client (yellow icon in UI).
- New: Mods contents hashes are compared instead of mods lists when equal mods are required on server.
- Fixed: Commandline -mod behavior, active Mods list in UI, ModLauncher UI dialog with better mods detection and handling.
- Fixed: Terrain shadows were too short (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/12328)
- New: getWeaponCargo, getMagazineCargo, getBackpackCargo script commands
- Experimental: TCMalloc used as a memory allocator.
- New: Aircraft now auto-trims at high speed to prevent climbing.
- Improved: More 3D/2D resolution ratios (8:7 and 6:5) added.
- Fixed: Transport waited for dead unit to get out.
- Fixed: NV tracers visible in TI (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/11608)
- Fixed: Decreased tank sliding.
- Fixed: Sonic Cracks and Tracers not working in multiplayer
- Optimized: Frame rate stutter near complex walkable objects (like low rock walls) caused by grass computations.
- Fixed: crew getting killed in vehicles driving from hill/slope
- Fixed: Audio unsupported sample frequency error
- Fixed: IRStrobe (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/11852)
- Fixed: 3D editor – creating of logic center failed (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/11876)
- Fixed: Unit in vehicle could not open gear in map.
- Fixed: client freezes when accessing ammobox (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/11577)
- Fixed: No volume drop on distance with weapon click, car horn and etc. (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/11689)
- Fixed: Dead player bodies disappeared after respawn.
- New: Repair vehicle and deactivate satchel charge action for engineer.
- Fixed: EEIncomingMissile event parameter
- New: Added scripting function disableTIEquipment.
- New: Artillery computer; Fire at position AI command; enableEngineArtillery script command
- Fixed: Surface sound in infinite terrain (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/11430)
- Fixed: AI vision was not affected by light sources.
- Fixed: Birds were heard inside of a closed vehicle.
- Fixed: Scripting command isFlatEmpty did not work with non-zero third coordinate. (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/11704)
- Fixed: TI was red instead of B/W with some settings and graphics cards.
- Fixed: Night vision simulation was not simulating color sensitivity and blue shift in dark scenes.
- Fixed: Disabled debugging message „Added texture headers from file“
- Fixed: Av8 unable to takeoff from Chernarus NE airstrip (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/3240)
- Fixed: Fog and sky colors did not match when dark.
- Fixed: Moon rotates when moving camera (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/8051)
- Fixed: Stars no longer visible through terrain with low view distance (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/8374)
- Fixed: Improved game stability with a small page file.
- Fixed: Gun recoil in ironsights view was missing kick-back (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/4401)
- Fixed: possible crash after mouse click to Prev/Next button in DisplayConfigureAction
- Fixed: In E06 player should survive fall on ground without opening parachute.
- Fixed: Module Alice2 MP issues.
- Fixed: Improved AI path planning and path tracking with tanks.
- Fixed: Assembling/disassembling issue with M2 minitripod and M2 machinegun.
- Fixed: Sound of silenced Mk17 CCO.
- Fixed: Mi8 and Mi17 model animations bug in ARMA2:Combined operations only.
- Fixed: Fire-geometry in all Mi8 and Mi17, crew wasn't vulnerable in some cases.
- Fixed: Get-in points for MH-6J.
- Improved: Special units in US, CZ and Germany factions can hide bodies.
- Changed: Slot size of MAAWS magazines.
- Improved: AI wasn't able to destroy static weapons in some cases.
- Fixed: Animations of US Static TOW launcher.
- Fixed: Words Sabot and M-gun in radio protocols.
- Fixed: Damage zone indicator ATRQ and MROT were exchanged in helicopter.
- Fixed: Rockets count in Mi-171Sh.
- Changed: Destruct type for market tents.
- Fixed: HEAT ammunition for T-55 and Stryker MGS.
- Fixed: Glass penetrability of Mi-171Sh.
Lze ho použít i na verzi Combined Operations?
Určitě… nelze ho použít jen na Steam verzi.
Videotutoriál jak pracovat s artilérií – http://www.youtube.com/watch?…
V případě, že se vám vyskytne chyba „Error found in file EXPANSIONS\ADDONS\missions_e.pbo“ během instalace aktualizace, zmáčkněte „ignore“ a pokračujte s instalací. Po dokončení, stáhněte si missions_e.pbo, poté lokalizujte a nahraďte původní soubor v adresáři s ArmA 2.