EPJ Bulvár

EPJ Bulvár

Celoush – 22.12.2010 18:35

Vánoční patch 1.57 pro ArmA 2 Arrowhead je venku

Právě dnes vyšel další patch 1.57 pro Arrowhead. Patch má přibližně 457 MB a přináší i čtyři nové SP mise pro fanoušky PMC (přičemž jedna je klasickou přehlídkou).

  • Infiltration: Sneak under the cover of darkness to destroy a rocket artillery test site.
  • Reaction: Battle through the mist to recover missing clients.
  • Provision: Take to the air to deliver a crucial cargo drop for UN troops in central Takistan.
  • Showcase: Enjoy the diversity of the PMC faction in a showcase mission.

Stahovat můžete z různých zdrojů.

Patch v sobě mimo jiné obsahuje i patch 1.01 pro PMC a 1.02 pro BAF.

Seznam změn:
    * improved netcode (better locality handling)
    * new scripting commands
    * 4 new bonus scenarios for owners of the full version of Arma 2: Private Military Company

Version 1.56-1.57 Changelog

    * Fixed: Cursor on the windows borders no longer flashing when attempting to drag/resize the window.
    * Fixed: Win7/Vista Aero preview should no longer be activated by mouse movement while playing.
    * Fixed: Helicopters no longer lifting off when aircraft passed over them (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/14589).
    * Fixed: AI Helicopters wobbling up and down (http://dev-heaven.net/issues/14410).
    * Improved: Enemy targets are now unassigned once their crew is killed.
    * Fixed: doFire did not work on most targets.
    * New: Multihome servers support. Commandline parameter -ip=my.ip.add.res available.
    * Fixed: SetCaptive doesn't stop AI shooting at a unit/player.
    * New: allMissionObjects script command.
    * New: Script command setPlayerRespawnTime.
    * New: new AllDead command.
    * Fixed: Video playback stuttering.
    * Fixed: Locality issues of objects in MP (mainly updates from nonowner errors).
Version raised to 1.57 due to MP incompatibility.

    * Add: camo (replaceable textures) selections for M2A2/3.
    * Changed: GPS added for all SUVs.
    * Fixed: A/MH6 main rotor artifact.
    * Fixed: Missions: 06 From Hell, task "Locate the pilot" always failed.

PMC changelog 1.00-1.01
    * Fixed: Shadow artifact on bridge on Proving Grounds map.
    * Changed: XM8 optics reworked.
    * Fixed: XM8 Front grip
    * New: Ammo create with PMC weapons.

PMC Missions changelog 1.00-1.01
    * Added: Campaign teaser including CP00 and trailer.
    * Fixed: CP10A - The Boss was not leaving the villa when in danger.
    * Fixed: CP10A - Player was not able to finish the Boss from distance.
    * Fixed: CP08B - Group callsign was "Sword", not "Spear".
    * Fixed: CP08A - Player was not able to access helicopter gear menu.
    * Fixed: CP07 - Client UAV re-enabled again.
    * Fixed: CP05 - Mission did end before conversation was finished.
    * Fixed: CP02 - Dixon fired only once, causing mission not to continue.
    * Fixed: CP00 - Mortar explosions now occur further away from player.
    * Fixed: Backpack content is now saved between CP05 and CP06.