Beta build 69645
Do vydání Arrowhead nám schází ďábelských 66 dní a BI vydává další beta verzi patche, a to build 69645. Patch má necelých 20 MB a stahovat jej můžete přímo ze stránek BI.
Seznam změn je poměrně rozsáhlý.
[69599] Optimized: Texture loading done on background thread. [68990] Improved: Reduced stutter when looking around, esp. with visibility 5 km or more. [68694] Reduced parallax map artifacts on sloped terrain. [68157] HDRPrecision 16 or 32 respected when users selects it and card supports it. [68030] MP: Changed bandwidth estimation defaults as almost all players use broadband connection. [67312] Fixed: AI is now able to take off with Camel airplane addon. [67033] Improved AI airplane landing from very high altitude. [66997] Optimized: Grass not rendered when flying high and fast, schould reduce stutter. [65703] New: Units report when reloading in combat situations. [65703] New: Units report when throwing grenades in combat situations. [65679] Fixed: AI Units called „covering“ repeatedly while reloading. [65656] „Cover me“, „Covering“ was often told repeateadly after busy radio channel periods. [65605] Optimized: Fixed problems caused on some Vista systems by running too many threads at the same time. [64561] New: Scripting function hideObject. [64056] Fixed: Shining glasses on head preview in „edit player“ menu. [63164] Changed: Removed relics from dynamic building destruction development, including scripting function deleteCollection. [63126] Improved: AI airplane now aiming at the ground targets using rudder as well. [63126] Fixed: Some AI airplanes oscillated sideways when flying slow. [62888] Fixed: Improved helicopter aiming with unguided rockets. [62868] Fixed: AT/RPG soldiers often missed targets. [62700] Fixed: Spatial weapon sounds [62687] Fixed: 3D resolution now maintained correctly when Alt-Tabbing. [62627] Improved: „Invalid crew“ config error no longer exits to desktop. [62533] Fixed: The voice over net speech was often delayed more than required. [62532] Fixed: The voice over net speech was often delayed more than required. [62492] Fixed: Window size/position was not stored after a change.
Včera vyšla další beta – 69782 – [20 MB] –…
Hola hola – beta 70054 volá –…
A co čert nechtěl kulatá 70100 je venku –…
Koukam, že je tu nějak živo :'( Kde sou všichni? Teď si tak nějak začínam přiznávat, že starý jádro OFP komunity je asi pryč.
Za starých dob by tu někdo nadával co se mělo / nemělo opravi.. Jak je vše na *** a teď nic.. Chjooo kde jsou ty časy :)
Jak dlouho po vydání OFP by tu někdo nadával na obsah patche? Jaké procento staré komunity už přešlo na Ar][mA?
Arma2 je už tak dokonalá, že tam neni skoro co vylepšovat, vývojáři odvádějí skvělou práci, vše co slíbili se naplnilo, jen tak dál a neusnout na vavřínech.
Pěkná ironie. ;)
BETA build 70184…
Beta Build 70256 –…
Beta build 70313 –…
se nejak rozjeli, takhle aktivni meli bejt imho po vydani a ne v dobe, kdy uz to moc lidi nehraje, rsp. dost uz jich to odradilo ze zacatku
Spíše to bude tím, že dodělávají Arrowhead a zase tak moc změn v datadisku nebude, takže zabíjí dvě mouchy jednou ranou ;)
jojo je to smutne … takovych mrtvych much najednou ;)
Beta Build 70644 –…
[70582] Improved: Increased dynamic cloud layer visibility. [70493] Fixed: Shadow artifacts visible on some windows while moving. [70439] Fixed: Transient z-fight-like shadows artifacts while zooming. [70372] Fixed: AI vision was too good on moonless nights.
Beta Build 70709 –… [70663] New: Weather config values „size“ and „height“ for better control over the cloud layer. Default values: size = 1.0; height = max(bright,0.6)
[70661] Improved: File handle management when more then 448 pbo was present is now more efficient.
[70651] Improved: Increased limits to prevent „Too many virtual memory blocks requested“ error.
[70650] Fixed: Crash possible when loading map with older binarized format (pre 20, e.g. Schmalfelden).
[70646] Fixed: Some objects were shortly „flashing“ while changing LODs.
[70484] Fixed: Car horn not played in MP
Beta Build 71213 –…
[71143] Improved: -cpuCount=4 is now default on computers with more than four logical CPUs to prevent hyperthreading causing performance problems. If you want to use more CPUs, use -cpuCount=N to override this.
[71117] Optimized: Geometry loading in now optimized for multiple cores. Extra threading now enabled by default on computers with more that 2 CPUs. New possible -exThreads values: 5 (thread geometry loading only) and 7 (thread all)
Beta Build 71548 –… [71543] File cache size increased a lot on systems with 4 GB RAM or more. [71484] Fixed: C130 was crashing on takeoff. [71373] Fixed crash
Beta Build 71726 –…
[71721] Game is now Large Address Aware, should improve stability and allow
using more RAM with 64b OS.
Beta Build 71749 –…