BIS na oficiálním foru před malou chvílí oznámili, že vyšel první patch pro českou verzi Arma: Armed Assault. Tak neváhejte a stahujte (25 MB).
Seznam oprav
Výkon:Zlepšení výkonu při nejnižších detailech textur a vykreslováníOptimalizace kreslení trávyOpravena chyba ve správci textur, která za určitých okolností způsobila vymazání všech texturz videopamětiStabilita a bezpečnost:Opraveny pády v multiplayeruOpraven pád při vyčerpání videopamětiOdstraněna funkce exportLandscapeXYZAI:Zlepšení vyhledávání cestyZlepšení reakcí v bojiHra více hráčů:Zlepšení v oblasti dedikovaného serveruKampa?:Zlepšení ukončování některých misíOpravena informace o době trvání mise po jejím skončeníENGINE CHANGE LOG1.01 – New: Support for improved UI in dialogs during joining to dedicated server 1.01 – Changed: normal maps are not used when using „shading quality“ „very low“ 1.01 – Improved: AI pathfinding failing less often now 1.01 – Removed: function exportLandscapeXYZ 1.01 – Fixed: Tonemapping was not involved in the flare color calculation 1.01 – Fixed: NULL RT texture can be created now if possible as a shadow buffer resource – it will save some video RAM when using nVidia SB technique 1.01 – Fixed: 1×1 texture is created now as a shadow buffer resource, when using retail version of the DX – it will save some video RAM when using nVidia or ATI SB techniques 1.01 – Fixed: Fixed bug in texture management. All textures could have been thrown away under certain conditions 1.01 – Fixed: crash when out of videomemory 1.01 – Fixed: AI sometimes did not react to change formation command 1.01 – Fixed: AI more actively scanning visually for enemy when his position is not known. 1.01 – Fixed: AI sometimes planned path through walls 1.01 – Fixed: AI sometimes did not found path around mountains 1.01 – Fixed: Message: No entry ‚bin\config.bin/CfgMarkers.‘ 1.01 – Fixed: Dedicated server can retranslate Voice Over Net packets 1.01 – Fixed: Possible crash when exiting multiplayer game. 1.01 – Fixed: Possible crash when hosting MP session 1.01 – Fixed: LOD selection for clutters was not working properly 1.01 – Fixed: Very low shading quality settings now invoke usage of very cheap shader for trees 1.01 – Fixed: Display for mission selecting / voting on dedicated server – mission list fixed 1.01 – Fixed: Crash in multiplayer lobby screen 1.01 – Fixed: Debriefing – mission duration info was wrong in campaign 1.01 – Fixed: Command interface, with ALT held should move cursor 1.01 – Fixed: Improved AI reaction to soldier being hit nearby. 1.01 – Fixed: Improved AI reaction to friendly units observed being killed. 1.01 – Fixed: AI reaction improved for enemies disembarking vehicles. 1.01 – Fixed: Unicode used for dedicated server console output. 1.01 – Fixed: Unicode used for debugger output (OutputDebugString)