EPJ Bulvár

EPJ Bulvár


Celoush 1.11.2017 21:38:29
INFO: Third-Party DLC Pitch Invitation, Community Wiki Update
Celoush 17.10.2017 17:51:26
INFO: Tac-Ops Mission Pack Details, Dev-Branch Activity
Celoush 5.10.2017 15:53:36
ACTIVITY: Hotfix 1.76 (Stability Improvements)
Celoush 3.10.2017 14:55:45
INFO: Dev-Branch Ops, Hotfix 1.76 Status, Printed Maps
Celoush 19.9.2017 22:43:15
INFO: Laws of War DLC, Armaversary, Experimental Ports Update
Celoush 14.9.2017 17:26:40
OPSUM: Laws of Art: examining the IDAP faction and its assets

Celoush 7.9.2017 18:18:48
ACTIVITY: Game Update 1.76 (Laws of War DLC, Mine Detector Enhancements)
SIZE: ~9.0 GB / ~1.4 GB (depends on Apex ownership)
Celoush 5.9.2017 16:02:32
INFO: Laws of War Release Date, Gamescom Recap
Celoush 22.8.2017 18:14:50
INFO: Laws of War DLC Reveal, Update 1.76 RC
Celoush 22.8.2017 18:14:31
INFO: Orange DLC Progress, AI Skill Changes, Official Servers
Celoush 31.7.2017 17:55:36
INFO: Community Spotlight, Dev-Branch Activity
Celoush 11.7.2017 16:26:59
INFO: Chinese Languages, Jets Static Props
Qinetix 30.6.2017 19:45:50
Zde je pár WIP obrázku z mé práce
Celoush 28.6.2017 13:10:58
INFO: Malden DLC Release, Flight Model Overhaul, Summer Sale
Celoush 22.6.2017 14:44:41
ACTIVITY: Game Update 1.72 (Malden DLC, Combat Patrol, Flight Model Tweaks)
SIZE: ~6.5 GB / ~1.1 GB (depends on Apex ownership)
Celoush 13.6.2017 17:00:13
INFO: Update 1.72 RC, Malden OPREP, Documentation Activity
Celoush 8.6.2017 15:43:28
Back to the Future: re-building Malden for 2035
Celoush 30.5.2017 19:29:07
INFO: Malden Dev-Branch, Hotfix 1.70, Tanoa Structures