EPJ Bulvár

EPJ Bulvár


Celoush 4.11.2015 16:48:33
Celoush 3.11.2015 21:28:31
INFO: Project Leadership, End Game Tournament
Celoush 27.10.2015 21:22:56
INFO: End Game Additions, Spectator, Audio Progress, Terrain Processor SDK
Celoush 21.10.2015 10:20:27
INFO: Roadmap Blog, Nexus Feature Iterations
Celoush 15.10.2015 17:21:17
OPSUM: Discussing iterations of Fatigue (Stamina) and Personal Protective Equipment for Nexus Update
Celoush 13.10.2015 21:07:37
INFO: Firing From Vehicles Enhancements, Eden Editor Layers
Celoush 7.10.2015 10:05:08
INFO: Launcher Mod Dependencies, Scripted System Optimizations
Celoush 1.10.2015 15:18:04
Eden Editor, UGL Reloading, Update 1.52 Released
Celoush 30.9.2015 16:32:35
Game Update: 1.52 (Maintenance, Crash Fixes, Memory Allocator)
Celoush 29.9.2015 15:23:56
Return to Eden - 3D Editor Public Beta
Celoush 23.9.2015 09:29:36
INFO: Dev-Branch Activity, Eden Editor Live Stream, Autumn Sale
Celoush 15.9.2015 16:53:04
INFO: Second Armaversary
Celoush 15.9.2015 10:06:09
Celoush 9.9.2015 10:25:14
INFO: Maintenance Update, Disabling Remote Sensors
Celoush 3.9.2015 15:04:45
OPSUM: May I have this car, in pink, with all options, please?
Celoush 2.9.2015 00:15:25
INFO: Ports Beta Started, Windows 10 Compatibility, Update 1.50 Released
Celoush 1.9.2015 11:10:27
Linux a Mac...
Celoush 28.8.2015 17:19:51
OPSUM: Community terrain makers are getting the opportunity to speed up their work with Terrain Processor, our little proprietary tool allowing the use of geographic data to quickly populate large terrains with basic content